University Of Canberra PHD Scholarship

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Research Scholarships

The University of Canberra offers a number of University Research Scholarships to enable suitably qualified candidates to undertake full-time study towards a Doctor of Philosophy. Selection is based on academic merit, strategic alignment, research proposal and research experience.

Graduate Research manages the application process for domestic and international applicants and the administration for the tenure of the scholarship. The University Research Scholarship Committee allocates the University Research Scholarships.

How to Apply?

  • Potential PhD domestic and international candidates must apply through the – you need to apply for HDR Admission first, you will then have access to separate application form that must be submitted for a Research Scholarship.

Current PhD candidates at the University of Canberra can also apply for a Research Scholarship. You must complete a Research Scholarship application

university of canberra

University Research Scholarships

The following University Research Scholarships are available for commencement in Semester 1, 2024:

Industry Co-funded Scholarships

This year the University will offer range of industry co-funded scholarships for research projects with external organisations and end-users (industry, business, government, community):

  • 12 industry co-funded industry scholarships available for those conducting research which aligns with the strategic theme of the University – Economic, Environmental and Social Sustainability
  • 10 non-themed co-funded industry scholarships.

Contact your potential supervisor or Faculty HDR Administrator to find out if any scholarships are available in your research area.

Faculty-Managed and Other Research Scholarships

Information on specific research scholarships offered by faculties, the application process and closing dates can be found on Faculty-managed and Other scholarships.

University Research Scholarships Conditions

Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarships, funded by the federal government, and the University of Canberra Higher Degree by Research (UC HDR) Stipend Scholarship provide support to postgraduate research students of exceptional research promise.


  1. domestic student (Australian citizen or permanent resident, New Zealand citizen) or international student
  2. not have previously held an Australian-Government-funded research scholarship for more than 6 months.


  1. $30,000 per annum (2023 rate, tax-free) stipend to assist with living costs, indexed annually.
  2. reimbursement of relocation costs within six months of commencement (new candidates only). Further details in the Conditions of Award.
  3. International candidates approved to commence offshore will not be paid their stipend scholarship until they are able to undertake their research onshore. The stipend will be back paid once they arrive at the University of Canberra, Bruce campus.
  4. Refer to Tax and Part-time Scholarships for more information.
  5. International candidates will also be awarded a fee sponsorship to cover tuition fees.


3.5 years

Scholarship Application Ranking Process

  1. The assessment for acholarship applications are for completion and eligibility for admission to the PhD.
  2. They are then forwarded onto to the appropriate faculties for academic staff to assess and rank applicants in an order of merit based on academic qualifications, strategic alignment, research proposal and research experience.
  3. The University Research Scholarship Committee reviews the faculties’ ranking, and allocates the University Research Scholarships to the highest ranked applicants in Order of Merit.

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